Ethical code

Recognising the value of ethical principles within the Company's processes and dynamics was considered by Carrara a key factor for the development of quality and competitiveness as it directs the growth of the organisation in line with the theme of sustainability. In its Code of Ethics, Carrara has defined the Rules and Principles, the requirements for Following the rules and the ways of Promoting them. The code has taken into account collective and individual behaviour, as well as the fact that applying the principles concerns both respect for the law and respect for the moral values which it is intended to abide by.

Carrara adheres to the general principles of sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Business and company activities must be conducted under the concept of honesty, correctness and good faith. All members of the organisation are called upon to share these principles, to observe the laws and internal regulations, and to always behaviour fairly and correctly towards colleagues and third parties while carrying out their tasks.

Carrara commits to safeguard people's rights according to principles of fairness and equality, by protecting their health and the environment in which they live and not permitting any discriminatory and other behaviour that restricts individual expectations and people's dignity.

Carrara strives to create and maintain an internal control system, at every level, to verify compliance with laws and company procedures. All members of the organisation - the holders of tangible and intangible assets, and information provided for carrying out their activities - are required to take part in this control action by explicitly sharing the principles and rules that the Company has adopted.

All members of the organisation are required to know the rules and principles of the code, are required to observe the rules, promote its dissemination for greater sharing with others and report any violations.

While recognising and respecting the individual right to participate in investments, business or activities other than those of the Company as long as they are legal, Carrara states that certain behaviours, such as the use of information and business opportunities acquired when carrying out work for one's own undue advantage or that of third parties and the performance of activities by employees and workers at suppliers or competitors are deemed to be a conflict of interest.

Everyone is required to maintain the confidentiality of information of internal and external origin and to protect and respect the privacy of customers, suppliers and all members of the organisation.

Carrara recognises the worth of experience, reliability and skill gained by staff and constantly works to ensure that this value is increased year after year. Everyone is required to contribute in line with their abilities and role to the company's growth by playing an active, critical and proactive role in carrying out their activities, so as to contribute to the improvement of the Company's processes and procedures.

Carrara considers Health, Safety and Environmental protection to be an essential right of both individuals and the community. For this reason it carries out all its activities by dedicating investment and resources to pursue these objectives of protection and improvement. Everyone is required to operate in full compliance with the procedures and rules that the company has adopted and to collaborate for the dissemination and sharing of a culture of sustainability and safety.
