Guardian Performer ICA


The Insulation Kits Guardian Performer ICA use a metal support on which the isolation GRE layers are applied. The GRE materials, available in the styles G10 (FR4) and G11 (FR5), are an excellent insulating barrier and offer at the same time a considerable mechanical and chemical resistance, allowing its use in a wide range of applications. The energized PTFE gasket ensures a high quality seal thanks to its anchorage to the metal retainer. The isolation kits for flanges can be used on the RF, FF and RTJ shapes to replace the inefficient Phenolic Ring Joint. The isolating Kits Guardian Performer ICA are suitable up to 200 °C in ANSI ratings 150 - 2500 # and API 2 - 10K # and PN 420 #.

Guardian Performer ICA