FERP, the Environmental Services Division of Carrara Spa, has achieved the prestigious MASE qualification for the implementation of the LDAR program. A further milestone in the history of FERP in the direction of continuous improvement.
FERP Division of Carrara Spa implements inspective programmes for fugitive emissions of volatile compounds (VOC) in compliance with:
- LDAR protocol according to EPA 453/R95 – EN15446:2008 – ISPRA H18712 with inspective technique EPA Method 21 for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions through FID and PID.
- SMART LDAR protocol according to EPA 6560-50-P (Alternative work practice to detect leaks from equipment) and ISPRA H18712 for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions with remote inspective technique with infrared videocamera IR OGI Camera (Optical Gas Imaging)
- Inspective LDAR – SMART LDAR combined protocols
The inspective LDAR and SMART LDAR activities for the detection of VOC fugitive emissions can be applied to the whole plant or only to certain sections of it, within a planned activity to achieve the complete surveillance of the inventory within deadlines agreed with the monitoring AUTHORITIES. As by LDAR programme, the inspective activities are connected with DI&M (Directed Inspection & Maintenance) actions and with the elaboration of a VOC emission estimate in t/per year.
Within the surveying activity, FERP – Carrara S.p.A. offers cataloguing models, of sources at a growing level of “attributions”, starting from simple enumeration, classification, and location, to reach a detailed and functional characterisation of the component included in the inventory. FERP is able to efficiently re-classify previous inventories derived from cataloguing and surveying performed by the Client, in order to combine them in an individual database which meets the data management and storage requirements of ISPRA H18712 and other local, national and international regulations in force.